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The Klitch Info

Sterko is a new and exciting sports accessories company! It is our aim to provide reliable and comfortable sports gear, including a range of apparel, bags and footwear for fitness enthusiasts of all ages.
Founded in June 2010 by two college friends with an extensive knowledge of sports and fitness, Sterko has created a unique and innovative sports invention – The Klitch. The Klitch has received widespread interest and demand – it offers an ideal solution for the transportation of footwear of any kind – from trips to the gym to holidays overseas! We understand that you may have limited space for the packing of shoes when travelling – the Klitch offers a unique solution to this problem, allowing you to clip footwear to the outside of any bag.
The successful launch of the Klitch will lead to Sterko’s intended expansion into other markets – including the supply of bags, apparel and footwear. We plan to fully expand into these markets by late 2011.

Product Information:
There are 10 Klitch colors available: Black, White, Blue, Red, Grey, Purple, Pink, Green, Yellow, and Orange

The Klitch is a revolutionary invention that will change the footwear accessory business!

What is it?
The Klitch is a quick grip device, allowing you to easily join two shoes together, for example; sports boots, running shoes, training shoes. You can then clip the shoes onto your backpack, or any other bag for easy transportation. This allows you to:
 Free up both of your hands
 Save space in your backpack/bag
 “Air out” your shoes between wear
 Prevent transference of dirt from shoes to the inside of your bag
 Enables you to wear clean/comfortable shoes before and after training
 Great for storage

Who Will Use The Klitch?
 The Klitch can be used by people of all ages and fitness levels who play a sport that requires the use of a special shoe (Football, Lacrosse, Soccer, Basketball).
 For those who like to wear comfortable shoes (such as flip-flops) before and after a tough training session at the gym or the field.
 For anyone who wants to keep the inside of their favorite bag fresh, and at the same time allow their training shoes to get some air while on the go!


Klitch It

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